Added Blades of Chaos, an early Hardmode melee weapon.Added Mark of Zeus, an early Hardmode magic weapon.Added Focus M-II, a new early Hardmode magic weapon.Added Technobrand, a new early Hardmode sword.Added the Crystal Flower, an accessory found growing on cacti in the hallow.Added the Surrender Bell, a way to end any invasion sold by the Wizard.Added the Fairy Whistle, a replacement to the Overgrowth Staff.Added the Liberty, a new preHardmode rocket launcher.Added the Iron Bomber, a new preHardmode rocket launcher.Added the Toucane, a new mid-preHM summon.Added the Gastric Gusher, a drop from Bloaters.
#Ghostlab 42 spirit mods upgrade
Added Carrion, a Hardmode upgrade to Hellwing Bow.Added the Ukulele, a new Hardmode accessory.Added Aurora Saddle and Aurora Stag mount.Added the Nemean Chariot, a new Marble minecart.Added the Starfleet, a new Hardmode cannon.All Club charge times decreased by 10-15%.Added Four of a Kind (Ace Cards combination accessory).Added Bottomless Healing Potion, a mimic drop.Added Possessed Hammer, a new drop from Possessed Armors.Added Pieces of Eight, a new Pirate drop.Added Helios, a new endgame Solar weapon.Added the Reality Quill, a new endgame Nebula weapon.Added the Tesla Cannon, a new endgame Vortex weapon.Added the Supernova, a new endgame Stardust weapon.Added Explosive Rum, a new pre-Hardmode throwing weapon.Added Pesterfly Cane, a new magic weapon that drops at a 3.3% chance from Pesterfly.Added Short and Long Fuses, accessories that change how long explosives burn for before exploding.Added Faerie Stars, a cheap new Star Cannon/ Fallen Star ammo that can be crafted in Hardmode.Added Vulture Matriarch drops: Sovereign Talon, Vulture Matriarch Mask, Vulture Matriarch's Golden Egg, and Tome of the Great Scavenger.Added Luminous Prowler, a new Ocean enemy.Implemented new sprites and animations and new AI, as well as balancing changes Added the Feral Shambler, an improved version of the Feral Hunter.Implemented 5 sprite variants, improved AI, and greater Bismite drop chances Added the Noxious Slime, an improved version of the Diseased Slime.Added Desert Bandits and Wintry Soul, Quest enemies.Added Palecrabs, Tubeworms, and Crinoids, critters found in the Deep Ocean.Added Oracle, a brand new wandering NPC with an inventory that involves a brand new currency, new visual effects, a new blessing system, and more!.Added Cyberflies, a new critter that spawns in the Hyperspace Biome (also can be caught as bait).Added Sailor Zombie, Kelp Zombie, Diver Zombie, and Trident Zombie (expert), all of which are replacements for vanilla zombies that spawn at the Ocean with unique extra drops.Added Groupers, a new fish critter found in the Ocean.Added the GraniTec Sentry, a new Hardmode Granite enemy.Blood Moon enemies now explode into Dreamstride Wisps, a new critter that must be caught or killed to receive Dreamstride Essence.Added the Pirate Lobber, a new pirate enemy.Added Stymphalian Bats, Arachmaton, and Trochmaton, new Hardmode Marble enemies.Major edits and bugfixes for the Arterial Grasper: multiple can spawn, less visual bugs.Added Mangrove Defender, a new Hardmode enemy.Added Boulder Behemoths, a new Hardmode enemy.Allows the player to sell items more easily.A death animation was also added to the Mini-Boss.The Occultist also has new attacks instead of summoning enemies: A ground slam, homing projectiles, and white bolts.The Occultist's visuals have been updated.These differ based on where the player is. Starfall is an ambient event involving falling stars.Ashfall is an ambient event that takes place in the Underworld.
#Ghostlab 42 spirit mods mod
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